While I Was Away . . .

Prepare yourselves, people. This is going to be one big blog post.

Remember how I had all of my posts scheduled for the month of November? Because of that, I was unable to do tags or awards. Now that’s it’s December, I can do the SIX awards and tags I’ve been nominated for!!!!!

That’s right! SIX!!!

Like I said, long blog post.

However, there is one tag I will not be doing until later on this month. It is The Holiday Tag, and I was nominated for it by the Blogging Doll Sisters. The reason I am not doing it today is because it involves having holiday decorations up and mine will not be revealed for another week or so.

Because I have five entire tags/awards to do, I may not be able to nominate/tag the specified number of people for each one. Sorry about that. I’m aiming to select two-three people for each.

Without further ado, let’s get started with the Blogger Recognition Award!

Here are the rules:

Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
Write a post to show your award.
Give a brief story of how your blog started.
Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers.
Select (up to 15) other bloggers for this award.
Comment on each blog to let them know you nominated them and provide a link to the post you created.

I wwas nominated for this award by Bella. Bella is a super-sweet blogger, and I love to read her posts! If you haven’t already checked her blog out, it’s definitely worth your time. 🙂

I started American Girls in Alaska right after I finished my previous blog. I really wanted to have a blog, so I got my mom’s permission and started thinking about what kind of blog I wanted it to be about. I was trying to decide between a pet blog or a doll blog when Loren from Happy House of AG inspired me to start a doll blog! I realized how fun it would be to do one.

My two pieces of advice are  . . .

DON’T let blogging take up all of your time. You can easily get sucked into your WordPress reader and notifications bar, replying to comments and whatnot. Get all of your schoolwork/chores done FIRST.

DON’T let other blogger’s blogging styles make you feel like you should change your own. Don’t compare your pictures, writing styles, etc. to yours. You are a unique blogger – don’t change!

The bloggers I choose to nominate are . . .

The Blog Dolly!

and . . .

Twintastic AG!

Congrats, girls!

My next one is a tag. It’s called the Fall Themed Tag, and I was nominated for it by The Blog Dolly. Thank you so much, Jenna! Jenna has an awesome blog that just got a new customization, so definitely go check it out. 🙂

Here are the rules:


These are the questions Jenna is asking me:

Q: What is your favorite fall drink?

A: Vanilla Chai tea. I drink this year round, but it seems to fit best for fall.

Q: Apple cider or pumpkin spice?

A: Pumpkin spice!

Q: Pumpkin pie or apple pie?

A: Apple apple apple!

Q: Red, orange, and yellow or yellow, white, and orange?

A: Yellow, white, and orange.

Q: Scary costumes or cute costumes?

A: Definitely cute.

Q: Your favorite part about fall is…

A: The chill in the air, promising that snow is just around the corner.

Q: A football game or football shaped cookies?

A: Since football is less interesting than watching paint dry, I’m going with cookies.

Q: Favorite fall outfit?

A: A cozy sweater and my favorite pair of jeans, with some fuzzy socks.

Q: Do you love the colors or the scents of fall?

A: The scents.

Q: Pre-made fall crafts or DIY ones?

A: I’m not super crafty, but I’m going with DIY.

Q: What is your AG dolls favorite fall outfit?

A: The one Emily is wearing here.

Okay, that’s alll for the questions!

I have decided to tag The Blogging Sisters and AG Doll Adventures and Lizzy!

Have fun, you guys! Your questions are . . .

  1. What is your favorite color of leaf – red, orange, yellow, green, or brown?
  2. Have you ever done a fall photoshoot?
  3. What is your favorite doll sweater?
  4. What is your favorite part about Thanksgiving? That is, assuming, you live in the US.
  5. Pumpkin pie, apple pie, or pecan pie?
  6. Did you know that there was no pumpkin pie until the second Thanksgiving?
  7. Do you like Halloween or Thanksgiving better?
  8. What is your favorite Thanksgiving food?
  9. Did you go anywhere for Thankgiving?
  10. Did anyone visit you for Thanksgiving?
  11. Was there snow on the ground where you live for Thanksgiving?

Okay, that’s all for the Fall Themed Tag!

And now, we’re moving onto the New Blogger Tag!

I was nominated for this by AG Doll Dreams. Thank you so, so much! The rules are:

1. Thank the blogger that nominated you and link their blog

2. Answer the questions they gave you

3. Nominate at least 3 new bloggers

4. Ask at least 5 or more questions for them to answer

Her questions are:

1. What do you like most about AG dolls?

Their hair and facial features, as well as their unique personalities.

2. Why did you decide to start a blog?

I have blogged before, and I love connecting with my followers!

3. Do you shop on Etsy?

No, I never have. But I have checked it out before.

4. Do you follow any non-AG blogs?


5. What’s your favorite jungle animal?


6. Indoors or outdoors?

In the summer, outdoors. In the winter, indoors.

7. Do you like being tagged?

Of course!

I am tagging:


Dazzling Dollies

The AG Homeschooler

My questions for you three are . . .

How do you come up with ideas for posts?

What is your favorite type of post?

Who/what inspired you to start blogging?

Is it difficult to manage school, family stuff, chores, and blogging?

Why is blogging important to you?

Have fun, girls!

Now, onto the Blue Sky Tag! I was nominated by The AG Homeschooler – thank you so much! The rules are:

Thank the person who nominated you.
Answer the 11 questions.
Tag 11 new people.
Give them 11 new question to answer.

Q: Do you like Lab Rats? If so, what’s your favorite episode?

A: No, I have never seen it.

Q: What are you wearing right now?

A: My PJ’s.

Q: Would you rather have the power to rewind time or pause time?

A: Rewind! Definitely rewind! I would go back and fix embarrassing mistakes and relive happy moments from my childhood.

Q: What job would you be absolutely terrible at?

A: Politician/President of the United States. I am really not very commanding and I don’t like to hurt people’s feelings.

Q: If you ruled your own country, who would you get to write the national anthem?

A: I would probably write it myself, since I’m a writer.

Q: Would you rather have a unicorn horn or a squirrel tail?

A: Oh, geez. A squirrel’s tail, because I could probably hide it.

Q: What one thing can you not live without? (Besides the necessities)


Q: Would you rather be an adult your whole life or a kid your whole life?

A: Wow, this is a really hard one. I’m going to have to say a kid, because you have less responsibilities.

Q: Would you rather be locked in an amusement park or a library?

A: I think this was pretty much covered in the one thing you cannot live without question. XD 🙂

Q: What’s the grossest food combination you can think of?

A: Froot loops, milk, and ketchup.

Q: If you were challenged to a duel, what weapons would you use?

A: A sword, and probably a long-handled broom.

Okay! Those were really fun to answer! I have decided to tag:



You get the following questions to answer:

What is your favorite thing to drink?

Hors d’oeuvres or a five-course meal?

Have you ever flown first class?

What was the scariest thing you have ever experienced?

Do you blog on a computer, phone, or tablet?

What is your favorite part about your blog? (Comments, design, post types, etc.)

How many followers would you like to have by the end of the year?

What is your favorite type of shoe? (Heel, sneaker, flat, pointe shoes, flip-flops, etc.)

What is your favorite sport?

What is your favorite holiday, and why?

Do you think it’s okay for older teens/adults to like dolls?

Have fun with the questions, everybody!

Lastly, I was nominated by Jenna, The Blog Dolly, for the Versatile Blogger Award! (VBA for short.) Thank you so, so, so much!

The rules are as follows:

Thank the person who gave you this award.
Include a link to their blog.
Select 15 blogs/bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly.
Nominate those 15 bloggers for the VBA.
Finally, tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.

Okay, I cannot nominated fifteen people, so I’m going to do as many as possible, and then anyone else who wants to do it is welcome to.

Madi Grace

Stuffie Adventures





AG Doll Dreams


Okay, everyone! That is it for now. Wow, this post took a long time, and if you read it all the way through, A HUGE CONGRATS! And if any of you are unable to do any of the tags, my feelings will not be hurt. If any of you who weren’t tagged/nominated want to participate, go right ahead. 🙂

I’ll be back on Monday! See you guys soon!

-AGs in Alaska-

21 thoughts on “While I Was Away . . .

  1. Thank you so much for nominating me for the New Blogger Tag! What blog do you want me to post it on? My newest blog is My Life As The Daughter Of The True King, but the one before that is Paws All In. Sorry about the questions!

    Liked by 1 person

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