A Day in the Life: Luciana Isadora

Luciana here, everybody! Yippee!

Aw, you guys, this is the last post for ADITL! This series has been so fun, and I feel like you’ve all really gotten to see what each of us girls’ interests are. Do you have any ideas for a new series we could do? Comment below, please!

And now, onto my day.

8:00 AM: Rise and shine, everybody! It’s so nice that the sun rises shortly after 7 o’clock now. In the winter, we don’t see it until around 9:30 – but now, I get to have the beautiful sunlight stream through my window each morning. It’s my favorite part about the summers here. I also like to start my mornings with some stretching and relaxation time. I do this with Tessa, since she does it for ballet. We also do a little Bible study in the morning. Today’s scripture comes out of Corinthians:

16 Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 17 For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. 18 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

Pretty good lesson, right?

9:00 AM: After a quick shower in lukewarm water (to conserve energy, I installed a fixture in all the showers so they won’t run hot water for more than five minutes. Crystal is not a fan of this idea. I’m hoping she’ll adjust), I get out, put on some running clothes, and jog over to a nearby park. This is one of the best places in town to watch wildlife (right now, tiny baby geese!), plus I’m taking water samples home to test the pH levels for  my AP Chemistry class (yes, I know I’m in middle school, but hey, I still love science!)

11 AM: I generally don’t eat breakfast because it makes my stomach hurt when I eat early in the morning. This generally results in me eating a big lunch instead. Since Tessa and Grace went to the new French café downtown for lunch, Crystal was put in charge of making lunch.

I’m not sure whose idea THAT was.

As soon as I walk in the door, a terrible burning smell hits me in the face. This is the following conversation:

“Crystal, what’s going on?”

“I’m making lunch, Luci!”

“What is that smell?”

“Your lunch.”

“Why does it smell like that, though?”


An quick inspection of the kitchen reveals that the burning is coming from some failed grilled cheeses. I propose that we order a pizza instead, which Crystal complains will make her feel “bloated,” but I promise to help her clean up the mess in exchange for letting me order out. This seems to satisfy her.

2:00 PM: Emily, Molly, and I head downtown to the museum for the opening of a new science exhibit. The exhibit is about natural disasters in the world, with a special focus on earthquakes and tsunamis, since those both affect Alaska more than others natural disasters. There are videos and pictures comparing the 1964 earthquake to the one we had last year. Both very scary!

5:00 PM: Since the snow is melting outside, my sisters and I decide to have a bonfire in the backyard. We carry out stacks of warm blankets and pull chairs up to the fire. Lindsey and I get a fire going. I try to explain to the girls the scientific process behind starting a fire (exothermic chemical processes, anyone?), but they tune it out for the most part. Morgan kindly half-listens to me, but I’m coming to the conclusion that science is mostly my thing in this family.

6:30 PM: Time for youth group! Crystal, Morgan, and Tessa head to the evening service in the sanctuary, and the rest of us go upstairs. This week’s lesson is from Genesis and the creation of the world. I especially like the part where God creates the moon, stars, and sun:

14 And God said, “Let there be lights in the vault of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark sacred times, and days and years, 15 and let them be lights in the vault of the sky to give light on the earth.” And it was so. 16 God made two great lights—the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars. 17 God set them in the vault of the sky to give light on the earth, 18 to govern the day and the night, and to separate light from darkness. And God saw that it was good. 19 And there was evening, and there was morning—the fourth day.

I feel so lucky that we have the opportunity to study the beautiful heavens! Who says science and God can’t go hand-in-hand?

8:30 PM: We stop for milkshakes on the way home. I order chocolate. McKenna claims this is “boring.” Crystal says it’s “classy.” Thus, an argument on whether a milkshake can be classy or not ensues. (What do you think? Can you use the word “classy” to describe a milkshake? Comment below, people!)

9:30 PM: I get ready for bed and then sit at my window for a while, staring out at the stars above. This always calms me down (which I need, since the sucrose from the milkshake is still coursing through my body). Pretty soon, it’ll be too light at night to do this.

9:45 PM: Lights out. Goodnight, friends!


A Day In The Life: Tessa Elizabeth

Good day, friends! Tessa here.

We’re nearing the end of the beloved ADITL series, with only one other doll to come after me. *starts crying* Have you guys enjoyed this series so far? We love writing it and reading your comments (y’all are so nice, we get a ton of comments on these kinds of posts!)

And without further ado, here’s what an ordinary day looks like for me.

7:30 AM: Wake up. Do some stretching to stay flexible for ballet. Then I shower, head to the kitchen for a healthy breakfast of berry granola and milk. While in the kitchen, Lindsey jumps out of a cupboard and scares the bananas out of me. She snaps a picture of my breakfast and announces she’s putting it on her new blog. When I ask her “What new blog?” she says, “The one where I document the stupidity of my sisters.”

And she’s the second-oldest.

9:00 AM: I’ve started going for runs with McKenna every morning, so the two of us (plus Cooper), head out the door. We run all the way to the park, our breath crystallizing in the frigid air. Cooper skids onto the ice skating rink and crashes into the wall. On the way home, he spies our neighbor’s Border Collie and decides to go terrorize him. Our neighbor really does not appreciate this and threatens to call the cops. McKenna and I skirt out of there before he makes good on his threat.

10:30 AM: It’s time to get ready for my Sunday ballet class. I change into tights and a leotard before throwing on my sweats.

11:00 AM: Crystal drops me off at the dance school and I start warming up. We’re working on a new dance for our rehearsal next month. I’m loving my new pointe shoes!

1:00 PM: Class is over, and now it’s time for me to help out with the kindergarten class. It’s my favorite part of the day – I love it even more than my own class. The little kids are so sweet and really love to dance, plus they call me “Miss Tessa” and smile up at me adorably as we review first position for the millionth time.

3:00 PM: I’m back at home, working on some leftover homework that I didn’t get done on Friday. Biology will be the death of me. Molly offers to help, but she’s a little busy with her advanced calculus homework (I swear, the girl does not realize she’s only in middle school).

5:00 PM: It’s my turn to help with dinner, so Grace and I whip up some tacos (okay, fine, all that involves is shredding some lettuce and heating up hamburger meat, but hey. It still counts as cooking, right?)

8:00 PM: We decide to watch a movie. I realize that this sounds like some good, old-fashioned quality sister bonding time – but when you have EIGHT SISTERS, settling on a movie is virtually impossible. This is sort of what it looks like:

Crystal: “Let’s watch Mean Girls!” 

McKenna: “Are you kidding me? We watched that last week! Let’s watch The Incredibles 2.”

Crystal: “How old are you, five?”

Morgan: “That’s not very nice, Crystal. Isn’t it Luci’s turn to choose?”

Luciana: “Yeah, it is – and I vote for that new Alita movie that came out.”

Molly: “That’s rated PG-13.”

Luciana: “So? You’re 13.”

Molly: “But Grace is here.”

Grace: “I’m 13 too!”

Crystal: “You don’t act like it.”

Grace: “HOW DARE YOU-”

Morgan: “ENOUGH! I’m choosing a movie.”

And that’s how we wound up watching Marley & Me for the fifteenth time.

This year.

10:30 PM: Time to get ready for bed. It’s been an exhausting day with my sisters, and I’m definitely ready for some quality sleep time. Good night, friends!

Tessa Elizabeth



A Day in the Life: Grace Adelaide

Hey, guys! It’s Grace here. Guess what – it’s my turn for ADITL post! Yippee! Continue reading to hear all about why I do on an average day. 🙂

9:00 AM: I know, I know, most of my sisters get up waaaaayyyyy earlier than I do, but let’s just say I need my beauty sleep. Hmm, maybe I’ve been spending too much time around Crystal . . .

10:00 AM: Baking time! My dream is to be a professional baker, working in a pâtisserie in Paris. (I may need to change my wake-up time for this to become a reality, however). For my first treat, I whip up a batch of vanilla éclairs. Lindsey jumps in and sneaks two right out from under my nose – and then shoves them in her mouth. Le sigh. 

12:00 PM: Part of my duty of being the master chef in this house is to make everyone lunch. However, feeding seven other girls is nearly impossible, since they ALL WANT SOMETHING DIFFERENT. McKenna puts in a request for grilled cheese sandwiches, Crystal orders a Caprese salad, and Tessa wants pizza. I decide to make chicken noodle soup with sandwiches. Take it or leave it, as they say.

2:00 PM: I head to Tessa’s first ballet class with her. She’s really excited, since finding her something to do here in Alaska has proven to be very difficult. We’ve tried gymnastics, dog training, etc., etc., etc. I’m hoping this works out for her. I bring along rhubarb crumb bars as a post-lesson snack.

5:00 PM: Dinner time! I cook up some pad see ew, a delicious Thai dish. It’s my family’s absolute favorite. You guys should try it sometime! Bonbon gets underfoot in the kitchen as I spill a pan of water on her. Fortunately, it wasn’t boiling hot water . . . that would have been bad. Instead, the floor gets a thorough cleaning. While Molly is helping me clean it up, she spouts of random facts about how in Israel, the women clean their floors by dumping a pot of water on them, and then all the water flows into a drain on the floor. Which is sort of unhelpful.

7:00 PM: I take Bonbon for a walk, accompanied by Morgan, Chocolate Chip, and Cooper. Because of the Midnight Sun, we can still enjoy sunlight even in the evening hours. However, we’re losing five minutes of sunlight a day. 😦 Soon it’ll snow, and then we’ll have Halloween and . . . Christmas!

10:00 PM: I tuck myself in bed and page through a new cookbook. I’m considering going Paleo, but then I would have to give up real sugar. No can do for me. Good night, guys!


A Day in The Life: Lindsey May

Hi, people of the Internet! ‘Tis I, Lindsey! Apparently, DITL posts are super popular with our followers, so I demanded a turn we decided it was time for me to have a turn on the blog. I have not gotten a moment in the spotlight since the founding of this blog, really. Not that I mind. I much prefer snooping around, spying on my sisters, etc. But I know you’re all dying to know about what my day looks like, so here we go!

4:00 AM: I know what you’re thinking. Lindsey gets up at 4 AM??? Short answer: yes. I need to be up super early so I can spy on my sisters while they’re still getting their “beauty rest,” as Crystal calls it. I spend the next couple of hours creeping stealthily around the house, noting what each of my sisters are doing as they sleep on my notepad. According to Emily, this is “creepy,” but what does she know?

7:00 AM: My sisters FINALLY start getting up and moving around. Since I have already been up for three hours, I just grab a bagel and start my homework. Obviously, I start with writing, so I log on to my online journalism class. We’re working on making observations around us, and I submit an exposé on Crystal’s weird snoring habits. Fortunately, she’ll never find out about this.

10:30 AM: Time for photography class! I hop on my bike and ride to the community center. Today we’re doing cell photography, which does not mean we are photographing cells, unfortunately. Very misleading title. Turns out, we’re using cell phones. I go to the library and take pictures of flowers. While snapping a shot of the green, a random man comes up and demands in a very rude manner if I have “permission.” Since he has an official-looking badge on his uniform, I reply in the politest way possible. Which is saying “uh . . .” and running in the other direction.

12:00 PM: After having Crystal come down to the community center (in pink sparkly heels, I may add), we finally get things cleared up with the security guard. Then, Crystal marches me home (she won’t even let me ride my bike) and lectures me all the way. Apparently, her feet are “killing” her. Well, she probably shouldn’t have been wearing heels. The girl will never learn.

3:00 PM: Since I have been “grounded indefinitely” by Crystal, I’m sitting in my room outlining a new novel and plotting my revenge. Grace brings me down a snack, a raspberry tartlet, to cheer me up. It works. But I’m still planning that revenge.

6:00 PM: Grace the sister brings me dinner and I gobble it up hungrily. Grace the dog, my roommate, helps. After dinner, I carefully open my window and remove the screen. Since we live in a split-level home, like many Alaskan houses, my room is in the basement. That means if I open my window, I can just climb out onto the ground. I sneak Grace out too. Then, we sneakily creep around the side of the house and I grab my rollerblades from the garage.

6:15 PM: I have been caught! Molly the Tattletale saw me leaving and had McKenna chase me down the block. Sometimes, it’s hard being the second-oldest and still getting grounded the most. But hey, it’s fun.

8:00 PM: As soon as we got home, Crystal sent me to bed. But I’ve been lying here for the past hour and a half in my pajamas dreaming up ways to get Crystal back for grounding me. Burning her shoes crosses my mind, but only once. Okay, maybe twice. OH FINE. ABOUT A DOZEN TIMES. Well, I have to get up in eight hours, so I’ll sign off.

For now.


A Day in The Life of Morgan Noel

Hey, friends! It’s Morgan Noel. You usually see my here on the blog when I’m doing The Dog Blog, but today I am taking a turn at Day in The Life. I have a pretty busy schedule, what with training Chocolate Chip for Junior Regional Dog Agility Championships, but I managed to take notes throughout the day of what I did – so here you go!

8:00 AM: Time to get up! Chocolate Chip wakes me by licking my face and rubbing my arms with his paws. If I’m lucky, I can take a quick shower before Crystal demands the bathroom for one two three hours. Chocolate Chip sits next to the shower the entire time.

8:30 AM: I feed CC his breakfast – dry dog food – and then feed myself – granola with coconut milk, since I’m lactose intolerant. After Chocolate gobbles down his food, he lays down at my feet and looks up at me expectantly. Unfortunately, granola is not the most nutritious food for canines, so I feed him a small doggie bone while I wash my dishes.

9:00: Before I start school, I take CC on his morning walk. He sniffs every stop sign and bush along the way, informing all of the neighborhood dogs that he’s passed through here today.

9:30 AM: Schoolwork time! I usually start with history. Today I read aloud to Chocolate about Aztec kingdoms. He stares up at me the entire time, listening intently.

12:30 PM: After three hours of schoolwork, CC and I head out on our noontime walk. This time, we go to the neighborhood park, which is occupied by several parents and their not-yet-old-enough-for-school children. Chocolate Chip is always a big hit when we come here. Little kids really like animals, that’s for sure.

1:00 PM: Back to the schoolwork grind. I finish up a report I’m doing on modern-day service dog training, as well as taking a math test. Finally, I can get to the fun part of my afternoon!

2:00 PM: Chocolate and I head out to the backyard, where CC’s agility course is waiting. To get warmed up, we review basic commands such as sit, stay, speak, and heel. Then, Chip and I practice the A-frame obstacle. Chocolate Chip always gets a bit nervous when he goes on it, so we practice until he can make it up and down without balking at the top.

4:30 PM: It’s my day to cook dinner. Crystal, Lindsey, McKenna, Emily, Molly, Tessa, and I take turns making dinner every day of the week. We don’t trust Grace with sharp knives, so she’s relegated to making dessert every day.

5:30 PM: I serve dinner and we all discuss what we did during the day. Emily, Tessa, and Lindsey went for a hike. Crystal forced McKenna to go to the mall with her (poor McKenna!) Grace and Molly practiced their French together. After dinner, Graces serves us raspberry and kiwi tarte tatin. 

7:00 PM: I feed CC dinner and then we go on our evening walk. I bring Tessa with me – I’m trying to get her used to dogs. She didn’t have one back in Alabama. After the agility fiasco last week, I don’t think she really wants to hang out with CC and me anymore. She still has a small bruise on her forehead.

8:00 PM: I enlist McKenna and Grace to help me give Chip a bath. They’re the two most dog-friendly girls in the AGIA family. Chocolate is a fan of getting wet, but he’s so big that it takes forever for one person to bathe him. The girls and I rub him down with buttermilk doggie shampoo, and then rinse him off. CC keeps barking at the water coming out of the showerhead.

9:00 PM: Chocolate Chip and I get ready for bed. I pull on my pajamas, brush my teeth, and wash my face, and then CC and I climb into bed. Chip puts his head on my pillow and falls fast asleep. I stay up for a little while longer and read a chapter of my new book on agility training before turning off the lights. See y’all in the morning!


A Day in The Life: Molly Elise

Hello there, everyone. It’s Molly here with today’s Day in The Life post! You’ve heard from Crystal, McKenna, and Emily so far, and now it’s my turn. I *sigh* had to put down my beloved SAT Prep book to do this post, but I think it’ll be worth it.

Also, AGs in Alaska wanted me to tell you that she is very, very sorry for not posting yesterday. School (all of her 8 subjects and many tutors/extra homeschool classes) has been keeping her EXTREMELY busy. She barely has time for anything else. So she apologizes for her lack of posting these last couple of weeks. She is happy to announce that this summer she will be posting three times, yes, THREE times a week! She just has to make it until May.

The very-much planned post featuring her brother has been postponed until MONDAY – yes, Monday, as it is a very long post and she needs more time, sadly. This weekend she will be working on next week’s posts, as well as a BLOG REVAMP!!! Her curret theme isn’t really working out for her.

And now, onto a day in MY life!

6:00 AM: As a studious girl, I feel it’s important to wake up three hours before the sun (you know, winter in AK) so I can get my morning routine over with and get onto school!

7:00 AM: Time to start my schoolwork! This year, I’m taking AP World History, Trigonometry, AP Literature, AP Biology, Chinese and Arabic, as well as preparing for my very first AP test.

12:00 PM: Grace forces me to take a break for lunch, which I would much rather skip so I can continue my studies, but she actually gets Tessa to help drag me away from my Trigonometry textbook. The nerve of those two.

12:30 PM: I eat a quick lunch before starting Arabic and AP World History. I keep working on school until . . .

2:00 PM: I just finished all of my subjects, and now I’m doing little fun reading with my favorite book, War and Peace. 

3:00 PM: Crystal decides we need to update my wardrobe and drags me off to the mall. YES, THE MALL. I DETEST THAT PLACE. But, to quote my oldest sister, “You have no life. You need to at least dress like you have one.” And, to quote Lindsey, “Whatever.”

5:00 PM: Crystal and I return with a maxed-out credit card (AGs in Alaska is not going to be happy about that one) and a new wardrobe.

6:00 PM: We sit down to spaghetti and meatballs with French bread made by Emily and Tessa. Morgan helped Grace make raspberry tartes for dessert, so I help myself to a small one and retire to my bedroom.

8:00 PM: After listening to some classical music and reviewing SAT flashcards, I start to get ready for bed.

8:30 PM: Since I’m getting up so early, I flick off the lights and pat Bennet on the head. See you in the morning!


A Day in The Life: Emily

Um, hello, everyone. I hope you’re having a nice, uh, day. (Crystal, what am I supposed to say??? Oh, alright.) Crystal says I’m supposed to tell you about a typical day in the life of me, Emily Louise. My days are pretty much all the same, unless we’re going someplace interesting. Having an ordinary life is fine by me – I don’t like excitement. Anyway, let’s get started.

7:00 AM – I wake up at this time every single day. My alarm clock comes on playing soft, melodious symphony music. Yank jumps up and licks my face until I get out of bed, laughing. I take him for an early-morning walk. Each morning it’s slightly colder when we go through this routine.

8:00 AM – I pour myself some granola and milk. I generally have dried fruit granola. I like peanut butter granola the best, but we can’t have it in the house since Molly is anaphylactic to peanuts.

9:00 AM – It’s time for school. I do my school in my bedroom, since it’s my favorite room in the house. It has a lock on the door, so Lindsey can’t come in and beg me to do a jigsaw puzzle with her. I like jigsaw puzzles and all, but they really should be saved for after school is over.

12:00 PM: I take my first break at this point and have lunch. McKenna, Grace, and I bike over to Wendy’s to have burgers. We do this at least once a week. When anyone asks us why we aren’t in school, Grace usually comes up with a snarky comment, like “Why aren’t you?” (she has said this to adults before) or “I’ve never heard of school before. What’s that?”

2:30 PM: I finish up my schoolwork and head over to tap dancing lessons. Molly and I both take tap and we love it. We’re rehearsing for a Christmas show this week. I get stage fright like you wouldn’t believe, but once I’ve started dancing, I’m able to zone everyone out and just focus on the music and my dance steps.

4:00 PM: Molly and I get home and I tutor Lindsey in math. She’s really, really awful at it – a fact she refuses to admit. It’s quite irritating, actually. She just doesn’t like that a younger sibling is helping her with algebra.

5:00 PM: Time for dinner! Crystal made her family-famous meatloaf with home-grown shredded zucchini and also home-grown bite-sized potatoes on the side. For dessert, Grace serves us chocolate éclairs. That girl really knows how to bake.

6:00 PM: My whole family goes to see Wonder Woman at the movie theater. The bloke selling tickets asks us if we’re all sisters. When Morgan tells him yes, he says that he thought three sisters was three too many. I roll my eyes and follow the girls into the theater.

9:00 PM: We get back from the movie theater and get ready for bed. I read The Mysterious Benedict Society until my eyelids start to droop.

9:30 PM: I flick the light off, kiss Yank good night, and crawl under the covers. G’night!


A Day in The Life: McKenna

Yo, peeps! It’s me, The Fabulous and Amazing McKenna Marie, here with the very first (okay, fine, second. I still don’t see why Crystal got to go first) Day in The Life on American Girls in Alaska! Today you get the honor of sneaking a peek into what I do on a typical day. I promise, you’ll be more blown away at my awesomeness than ever. Without further ado, I present to you . . . me!

5:30 AM: As a serious athlete, I feel the need to wake up before everyone else and go for a jog. Coach Isabelle says I need to train on days I don’t go to gymnastics practice, which is only on Sundays, but I still jog every day. Morgan makes me carry pepper spray with me when I go, since the sun is just coming up.

6:00 AM: Time to take a shower. Crystal freaks out when I get home and I’m all sweaty, but what else is supposed to happen when you go jogging? I mean, duh! I love Crys and all, but that girl is such a diva.

6:30 AM: By this point I’m starving, so I make a pink fruit smoothie with vanilla protein powder. This is my absolute favorite breakfast – and bonus that it’s healthy!

7:00 AM: All the other girls in my family wake up and begin their daily business. This is when I feel superior over all of them, since I’ve been up for an hour and a half already.

8:00 AM: I start off school with English, which is my favorite subject. It used to be the hardest for me, since I struggled with “reading comprehension.” But now that I’ve been through tutoring with my friend Josie, it’s much easier. I’m currently reading A Little Princess by Francis Hodges Burnett. It’s one of my new favorite books.

12:00 PM: Crystal tells me it’s time to eat lunch. She and the girls are having leftover pizza, but that’s too caloric and will make my muscles weaker for practice today, so I go with a salad. Grace rolls her eyes at me, but whatever. She’s not a serious, Olympics-destined gymnast like me.

2:00 PM: Time for gymnastics practice! This is my absolute favorite time of the entire day. I get to be in my happy place with other gymnasts like me. Coach Isabelle and I are mainly working on my beam routine. I ace three aerials in a row without wobbling once. Coach tells me that at this rate, we can start round-off back handspring back tucks next week! At the end of practice, she hands me a letter saying that I’ve advanced to Level 6!!! I freak out and start cartwheeling all over the place.

4:00 PM: Crystal and Emily, who are the ones who usually take me to gymnastics, head home with me. Crystal has to cook dinner and Emily has to tutor Lindsey in math. Crystal insists that I help her with dinner, so I set aside my laptop, where I’ve been checking Ava’s Pokémon Blog for a new post. I’m told to go pick carrots from the garden in the back yard. While I’m outside, Morgan asks for my help in teaching Chocolate Chip a trick. I love dogs, so I oblige. Of course Crystal comes outside to yell at me for not bringing in the carrots, and then I get in trouble, and it’s all Morgan’s fault. I’m always getting in trouble for things that are not my fault. It’s one of the hardships of having six sisters.

6:00 PM: After dinner, Grace makes crème brûlée to celebrate my accomplishment in gymnastics and Lindsey tells me to pick out a movie. I choose Mean Girls. 

8:30 PM: The movie ends and Molly tells me I should go to bed soon. Even though she’s younger, I tend to listen to her most of the time. I go put my PJs on but then practice some gymnastics tricks in our mini gymnastics center downstairs. At one point, I fall off of the beam and start moaning, which attracts attention from my sisters. Crystal and Morgan carry me to bed, where they ice my ankle and bring me hot tea and sports magazines. Ah, this is the life. I should have twisted my ankle a long time ago.

9:30 PM: My sisters stop pampering me and go to bed, so I flick off my light and snuggle under the covers. I have to wake up in eight hours, after all! 🙂


A Day in The Life: Crystal

Hey guys, it’s me, Crystal. I’m taking over “da blog” to share with you what a typical day looks like for me. I’m not very good with blog intros, so I’ll just get on with it.

7:00 AM: Brrrrring! I awake to the sound of my very annoying, very loud alarm clock that literally has you shaking when you wake up. It’s not a good feeling, but I’m stuck with that stupid clock. Grrrr.

7:45 AM: By this point, I’ve showered, selected a cute outfit, and done my hair and makeup. Oh, and I’ve yelled at Lindsey to get out the bathroom approximately 17 times. Sigh. #sisterproblems

8:00 AM: It’s off to the kitchen to get myself some breakfast. I typically like to have toast with raspberry jam, pancakes, or a fruit smoothie. What I don’t like to have? OATMEAL.

8:30 AM: It’s time to start school. I am homeschooled, so I do all my work in the office in my house. Fortunately, it has a door that locks, so I can have some privacy. I like to start out with my favorite subject, French. Grace helps me practice my French quite often, as she has been to Paris. I would love to go there someday with her. Grace and I get along quite nicely, because we have a lot of the same interests. Like France, French, and things made with sugar.

11:00 AM: I’ve been doing schoolwork for several hours now, so I take a quick lunch break and go for a walk. I take Morgan, Coconut, and Chocolate Chip with me. Morgan talks my ears off about dogs and agility training the whole time, but I don’t really mind. The leaves are bright orange and sticks crunch under my feet as we walk along. It’s very peaceful and nature-y.

12:00 PM: I get back to schoolwork. I only have a couple of hours before we leave the house for our afternoon activities, so I have to work quickly.

2:00 PM: Emily, Molly, McKenna and I head to gymnastics practice. McKenna is the only one who does gymnastics, but we like to watch her and her friends do their cool tricks. McKenna only falls off the beam once during the whole practice. She’s very pleased with herself, so I give her a big hug once she has washed the chalk off of her hands. I do NOT want to get THAT on my clothes.

4:30 PM: As the oldest in the family, it’s my responsibility to have dinner ready for everybody. Tonight I’m making a beef and veggie stir-fry. It’s all-natural and very healthy.  Plus it tastes good, so i’ts a win-win.

6:00 PM: Molly, who, believe it or not, is the second-maturest in the family (next to me of course, despite the fact that she’s also the second-youngest) helps me with the dishes. I wear rubber gloves so the hot water and dish soap won’t ruin my nails and skin.

8:00 PM: I take a bubble bath (again, I have to yell at Lindsey to just GET OUT) and read a fashion magazine.

9:00: I pull on my pajamas, brush my teeth, and climb into bed. It’s been a long day, and I have to get up tomorrow and do it all over again. Crystal, out.