Travels With Grace #5: Texas

Hiiii, fellow travelers! It’s Grace again, with our last post from Texas! A big thank-you goes out to AGs in Alaska’s Texan friend, who helped her take some of these pics. Now, onto the photostory!


I am Grace, the fearless adventurer


Today I am on a search


A search to find a dangerous beast of Texas


The beasts are hiding today


I must remain silent and still


And creep stealthily


They hide amongst the shadows


And stalk their prey


I remain unnoticed


Waiting and watching


Every snap of a twig


Is an animal’s footfall


Every breath of the wind


Is the pant of a beast


I am Grace, the fearless wanderer


Out on a search


A search for a wild animal


Where are they today?


Still hiding


I am unable to find a wild beast of Texas


And so I will return


Aha! What is that I spy?


A wild beast of Texas!


Grace, the fearless adventurer, has succeeded in her mission

And so another journey ends, my friends. We have returned to Alaska. I hope you have all enjoyed “traveling” with me, Grace – the fearless adventurer.


Travels With Grace #3: Texas

Heyyyyyy, guys! Yes, we’re still in Dallas – and this time at the Dallas World Aquarium. There are so many cool animals here! Anything from manatees to sawfish to tarantulas . . . okay, those weren’t very cool. In fact, I avoided eye contact completely.

And to brighten your day, some funny things AGs in Alaska said on this trip!

“We have to pay sales tax here!” (There’s no sales tax in Alaska.)

“I’ve forgotten what it’s like to see houses with no driveways.” (Those aren’t really a thing in AK, either.)

“THOSE TREES ARE GREEN!!!!!!!” (And this one is pretty self-explanatory.)

Underwater rocks
Sting ray
An alligator
Very loud flamingoes
PENGUINS!!! Cute but smelly . . . 
A parrot?
Turtles and sting rays!


Some shark . . .


I hope you enjoyed this post! There may or may not be a bonus post this weekend – AKA, the last post for the Trials of Tessa!


Travels With Grace #1: Texas

Hola, y’all! Grace here! See how I combined a Spanish word and a southern phrase into one sentence? I’m so cool!

Scratch that. I’m actually really, really hot right now.


We are in Texas!

As you hopefully already got from the title of this post.

I got such an overwhelming amount of enthusiasm from my last Travels With Grace series, in which I went to Washington State, that I decided to do the exact same thing for Texas!

Instead of staying in one town, AGs in Alaska and I will be traveling to several parts of the state. We just got into Dallas today after a total of eight hours in a plane. (AGs in Alaska hasn’t slept since the day before yesterday, but she’s wide awake. It’s beyond me.) I’m going to keep the other cities a surprise for now, but until then, you can view my adorableness in these epic pictures AGs in Alaska took!


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So, those photos were taken in the backyard of the house we’re staying in. I hope y’all liked them!

One more quick announcement about this series: unlike last time, where I was in all of the photoshoots/stories, I am going to be more like a tour guide this time, and post lots of pictures of what we do. There will be more photoshoots of me, I promise, but also lots of pictures of the cool stuff we go do.

Bye for now!


From AGs in Alaska: I sincerely apologize for the no posting on Monday, I was super busy getting ready for vacation!

Travels With Grace: Washington, Day #6

Grace here! IT’S THE LAST DAY OF MY TRAVEL BLOG!!!!!! WAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!! I have this sweet post for you in which I say goodbye to my cousins.


“Bye, guys,” I say sadly to my cousins. They are leaving to go home today (they live in a different area of Washington, and we came to my aunt’s house to meet up this week). I will also be leaving tomorrow to go back to Alaska.


“We’re really going to miss you,” Cara tells me.


“I’m going to miss you too, Care-Bear,” I say, giving her a hug.


“Bye, Grace,” I tell my next cousin. “I hope we can visit again soon.”

She nods, her eyes watering.


“I’m really sorry you broke your leg, Lea,” I say to the oldest of all my cousins. “Get well soon!”

“Thanks!” she replies.


My three almost-sisters walk over to the gate dejectedly. “Bye, Grace!” they call. “See you soon!”


“Bye!” I shout, as they march down the steps (Lea hopping, of course). “Love y’all!”

And . . .


Okie-dokie, that’s all for Travels With Grace for now! I have had so much fun traveling and hanging out with my cousins, and I hope you enjoyed meeting them!



Travels With Grace #5: Washington

HI GUYSSSSSSS! WHERE WAS I YESTERDAY, YOU ARE WONDERING????? My mom said I needed to not use the computer for a couple of days, so that’s why. And on Monday I completely forgot until 11 PM was run over by a herd of elephants and was in the hospital!!!!! IKR, CRAZY!!!

ANYwho, here is the fifth installement of Grace’s travel series! Enjoy!

Ignore the grainy iPad pictures. I did not bring the right camera charger with me on my vacay.


Lea is in the hospital after having broken her leg falling out of the crabapple tree.


“Hey, Lea,” Cara says. “How are you doing?”


“Hey, Care-Bear,” Lea replies tiredly. “I just, ya know, have a broken leg. Not much else going on at the moment . . .”


Lea points to her lower leg, which is wrapped in a white cast.


“Yeah, we’re all super sorry you got hurt,” Grace says sweetly.


“Do you want to try walking?” I ask my injured cousin.


Cara and I help Grace to her feet. “Why don’t you try walking down the hall?” I suggest.


It takes her a little practice, but Lea hops down the hall on her shiny silver crutches.

Okay, that’s all! Sorry, it’s kind of short. The very last part will post on Monday, and then I have a super fun post featuring a SPECIAL GUEST next Thursday! You guys will L-O-V-E it. See ya then!

AGs in Alaska


Travels With Grace #4: Washington


Hey, little macarons! Everyone keeps calling people food names. And macarons are French, so . . .


Mes cousines and I are chilling in the backyard. Cara is doing gymnastics.


She’s so talented!! McKenna would really get along with her.




We’re about halfway through the visit, which is super sad. 😦 Wah.


“Hey, guys! It’s Lea here!”


“Look at me!!!!!! Whee!!!”







Dun dun dun. Left you at a cliffhanger, huh? And you have to wait a whole entire week for Part #5, because on Thursday is our Q&A answers! Meaning . . . you only have a few days left to ask questions. So get to it! See y’all next week!


Travels With Grace #3: Washington+ 50 Followers Q&A

Hiya, everybody! It’s Grace here with the third installment of my travel blog! Today I have a super-awesome photoshoot with my cousins Lea, Grace, and Cara. We went to the park and AGs in Alaska, along with the help of her amazing cousins, took pictures of our adorableness. But don’t take our word for it – you can see for yourself!


My cousins are so amazing.


I don’t get to see them very often, because they live in the Lower 48 and I live in Alaska.



Lea is so adventurous and brave. She inspires me every time I am around her!


We have so much fun when we’re together!DSC_0172

Sometimes we like to pretend we’re spies.


Cara is so sweet and playful. She’s the youngest of us all, and I love her sense of style. Look at all the color! #rockingit


Cousins were made for sharing secrets with.


Or for cheering you up when you’re having a rough day.


Grace is so kind. She always keeps an eye on us to make sure we don’t get hurt.


They’re always there for you.


“Time passes and we may be apart, but cousins will always be close at heart.”


They help you stand tall.


We can always use our imaginations to make up a new game.


When I’m with my cousins, I’m never afraid to be myself.


Look, even this teeter-totter is built for four!


Cousins = Best Friends.


They’re the perfect people to hang out with.



Life is just better with the cousins.


“A cousin a day keeps the boredom away.”


You can tell them anything.



Or just be silly.


They understand when you need alone time.


And they understand when you need cousin time.


They’re always willing to give you a helping hand.


“Cousins are those childhood playmates who grow up to be best friends.”


They love you as much as you love them.


I wish they lived closer!


“Cousins by chance. Sisters at heart. Friends by choice.”

That’s all for our cousin photoshoot. Unfortunately . . . the rest of our visit wasn’t just fun and games. You’ll have to wait until Monday to find out more!

AGs in Alaska: My turn.


AGs in Alaska: What, no complaints? Okay . . . so . . . I’m leaving you at a cliffhanger, yes. But I really, really hope you enjoyed the photoshoot. This is my favorite one that I have ever done, because the setting just looks awesome and the cousins are in it!!! Funny story about this photoshoot: We actually took the pictures at two different parks. My great-aunt gave us instructions on how to get to the park, but we are directionally challenged and kind of wound up at the wrong . . . um . . . park (the one with the teeter-totter). So thirty minutes in, my cousin’s dad came to meet us at the park, but we were at the wrong one. So he took us to the right one (the one with the gazebo in the last picture). I love the park we went to the second time because the gazebo is amazing and is the perfect retro setting for an amazing photoshoot with the cousins.

Grace also fell off of the gazebo (I referenced it in my giveaway post), leaving a dent in her nose and hand. 😦

Now, I have an announcement to make!




I have 50 followers!

You may have already guessed that from the title of this post. Nice going, AGs in Alaska.

Anyway, I was planning on celebrating with a giveway, but I a) just did a Christmas one and b) have to hand-make the things I will be giving away, so that might take a while. I will probably do that giveaway for my 100 followers celebration later on. Instead, I am doing another Q&A! Except this time, the questions have to be about Alaska. And they will be answered by my dolls, not me! If you have a question you want a certain doll to answer, type the dolls name before the question.

Now, get questioning!

See y’all on Monday!

AGs in Alaska

Travels With Grace #2: Washington

Quick note: Yes, I am aware that these pictures are of awful quality. I took them with an iPad in a room with terrible lighting. Why was I not using my camera? Um, I may have forgotten to, uh, bring the cord for the charger . . .

And yes, I know I am supposed to post this on a Thursday, but last night I realized I had nothing scheduled for today, so . . . here we go with Travels With Grace #2!


Hey there, everybody! It’s your pal Grace here. We made it safely to Washington and now I am at my aunt and uncle’s house! But the best part is that you get to MEET MY COUSINS TODAY!!!!


Meet my cousin Lea! Lea is super sweet and likes to adventure in the outdoors. She’s very brave and likes to experience new things!


This is my cousin Grace! (Yes, we have the same name. Don’t get us confused.) Grace and I get along perfectly. (Maybe BECAUSE we have the same name . . .) She’s not as outgoing as Lea, so make sure to give her a warm welcome to my travel blog in the comments!


Last but not least, here is Cara! Cara is the youngest of all my cousins, and she is really fun to hang out with. Cara has a lot of style (don’t you just love her necklace???) and is super excited to spend time with me this week!

Okay, that’s all for now. I’ll be back next Thursday or Monday with Part #3. This part will be AWESOME, I promise!!!

AGs in Alaska: Okay, I’m taking over now.

Grace: *sigh* Fine.

AGs in Alaska: Hey, guys! This part of Grace’s adventures would have been a lot cooler than this because I had asked my cousins about their dolls’ favorite foods, colors, books, animals, etc., but when my mom got her new iPad I forgot to send the page with all that information to the computer, so it got lost in the vast world of Where Lost Things Go When You Don’t Email Them To Yourself. So I kind of had to just make it up. The part about Lea liking adventures is true, though, I do remember that.

I may try to get ahold of my cousins this week and ask them about their dolls again and put that stuff in my next post. We’ll see. I hope you guys are all having a good time getting back to school (if you are going back to school today, or if you’re already back). Talk to you on Thursday!

AGs in Alaska


Travels With Grace #1: Washington

Hello, everyone! Do you remember when I went on vacation for Thanksgiving? Well, I took a lot of pictures of Grace on that trip, if you know what I mean . . .




Okay, fine, I’ll tell you. I am doing a series with Grace and her adventures with her cousins – my cousins’ dolls – in Washington State!

Since I am back to my old posting schedule – Mondays and Thursdays – I will be posting the next three-five parts each Thursday. That way, I can still do photostories and photoshoots and everything but I will be able to do this too.

Here we go – Travels With Grace #1!


Hey there, y’all! It’s Grace here. Guess what? Amazing news – AGs in Alaska is taking ME on a trip with her to Washington State!!! Isn’t that I-N-C-R-E-D-I-B-L-E????

In honor of the upcoming trip, I will be doing a how-to-pack tutorial!


Here are the shirts I will be taking. Since I always need to look my best, I have one for every day of the trip.


But AGs in Alaska pulled the plug on pants. I am only allowed to bring two pairs of leggings and a skirt!!! Isn’t that ridiculous???? Fortunately, my awesome cousins (you’ll meet them later) will be willing to share.


Aren’t these pants chic?


These are my shoes!! #Rockingit


My Parisian pajamas! Ooh-la-la!


Everything will go into these bags, which AGs in Alaska will pack in her suitcase for me.

AGs in Alaska: To make sure you aren’t smuggling anything.

Grace: Hey!


However, my carry-on items will go in this here bag!


I have my passport, some money, my boarding pass already printed out, a camera, and an AG magazine for the plane!


All packed and ready to go!!!! I will be back next week with Travels With Grace #2!

Au revoir!


P.S. A big shout-out goes to Jenna, who is putting my ad up on her blog! Thank you Jenna! If you haven’t already read Jenna’s blog, go check it out!

P.P.S. I’ve been thinking about revealing my name later this year. I thought it might be fun if you guys guessed what my name is, and maybe what I look like. If you have any ideas, comment below!