The Unique Blogger Award + The 25 Things That Make Me Happy Tag!

Hey guys, what’s up? I am super pleased to announce that I have been nominated for the Unique Blogger Award, thanks to Emma from Dazzling Dollies! Thank you SO MUCH, Emma!!!!


The rules for the Unique Blogger Award are:

  • Answer all the questions asked by the blogger who nominated you
  • Share the link of the blogger who nominated you
  • Nominate 8 to 13 bloggers for the same award
  • Ask 3 New Questions

Okay, here are Emma’s questions:

  • What’s your favorite part about blogging?
  • What’s your favorite TV show?
  • What is the next doll that you want?

My favorite part about blogging is when people tell me that I inspire their own blogs. This makes me really happy! Also, when people tell me that a comment I left “made their day,” I feel very pleased. I love making new friends while doing something I love!

My favorite TV show is Project Mc², even though it is kind of young for me. I also like to watch When Calls The Heart, which is a Hallmark Channel romance TV show.

My next doll . . . well, either Luciana, though I probably won’t get her, or another custom. I have one in mind, maybe to do later this year . . .

Hmm, for nominations:

  • Izzy & Gracelyn @ The Diary of Two Dolls
  • Arabella @ Anything in the Wonderful Life
  • Tori & Bella @ AGsparklesisters
  • Bella @ A Doll’s Life
  • Rose @ A Purpose of Winged Dogs
  • Lizzy @ Learning To Live, Struggling To Thrive
  • Mary E. @ Forever American Girl
  • The AG Homeschooler @ AG’s Wondrous World

You guys get to answer these questions!

  • Do you play any sports? What is your favorite one?
  • Do you have a hard time not checking WordPress every five minutes? (I know I do . . .)
  • Why do you blog?

I know that’s more like four questions, sorry . . .

And now it’s time for the 25 Things That Make Me Happy Tag!


I was tagged by Enni (although technically she tagged anyone who has flown on a plane and I have done that countless times), so thank you SO MUCH!!!

25 Things That Make Me Happy Are (these are very specific and random things):

  1. Orange-scented bath products (I believe I mentioned this in my Thanksgiving post)
  2. Doing laundry! I LOVE LOVE LOVE doing laundry!
  3. The little noise that plays over the intercom in airports before they announce something like a 20-minute baggage claim guarantee (you guys probably have no idea what I’m talking about)
  4. Swinging at the park
  5. My beautiful coloring Bible with gorgeous illustrations
  6. When the numbers work right when I’m doing math (I am momentarily fooled into thinking I actually LIKE math, ha ha that’s crazy right)
  7. The smell of the air when spring is just arriving (especially in AK, since the air is very clean up here)
  8. Walking out of a plane into fresh air that is 50 degrees warmer than the air you left back at home
  9. Checking 25 books out of the library at once
  10. The library scanning machine that involves placing all the books inside at once and it scans them immediately, so there’s no need to do it one by one. (We have a very high-tech library, and the return system is even cooler – you place the books inside and it goes up the conveyor belt to the ceiling to be returned. I don’t know why I like it so much, because it has caused me to return a couple of books that apparently I was still being charged for weeks later? #technologyproblems)
  11. Cleaning my rabbit’s cage (which I should probably do tomorrow . . . 🙂
  12. Spying on trick-or-treaters who have no idea I’m watching them
  13. Getting up at 6:30 and doing all my schoolwork, though I’m not very happy at the time of doing the actual waking up
  14. The feeling I get when I’m downhill skiing (I LOVE SKIING, even though I just started this year – I was living in California when I was at an age that would be good to start learning at)
  15. Finding out the name of a song I love so I can actually download it onto my iPod
  16. When I FINALLY remember a French word I have been trying to memorize for weeks
  17. Watching people practically kill themselves on America’s Funniest Home Videos
  18. Cleaning my room (I love doing this each week, it makes me feel so organized – which I am so totally NOT)
  19. Animal Farm by Geroge Orwell. In case you haven’t read it, it’s this ridiculous novel about a bunch of talking pigs leading a dictatorship – which is required reading for English class. I would recommend it for ages 13+
  20. Getting new bands on my braces! I have an appointment in about a week, and I don’t know what colors I should get – any color combination suggestions?
  21. Taking aesthetically pleasing (wow, I don’t think I have ever used that phrase before) pictures of my dolls outside. You can’t get aesthetically pleasing pictures with the lighting inside of our house
  22. How the trees look outside once they’re covered in frost in the morning. It looks like we’re living in a magical kingdom
  23. THE MAGIC OF PHOTO EDITING WEBSITES (which I only recently discovered)!!!
  24. The sweetness of the little kids I babysit, who laugh at the smallest things and remind me of more important things in life – like having fun and smiling a lot ❤️
  25. Flying on planes! I totally love it (minus the TSA thing) – especially if I’m flying first class (yes, I have flown that way once)

I tag anyone who has traveled internationally!

Alright, that is all for today! See you all on Thursday (when I will hopefully have Part 2 of The Trials of Tessa up!)

AGs in Alaska

While I Was Away . . .

Prepare yourselves, people. This is going to be one big blog post.

Remember how I had all of my posts scheduled for the month of November? Because of that, I was unable to do tags or awards. Now that’s it’s December, I can do the SIX awards and tags I’ve been nominated for!!!!!

That’s right! SIX!!!

Like I said, long blog post.

However, there is one tag I will not be doing until later on this month. It is The Holiday Tag, and I was nominated for it by the Blogging Doll Sisters. The reason I am not doing it today is because it involves having holiday decorations up and mine will not be revealed for another week or so.

Because I have five entire tags/awards to do, I may not be able to nominate/tag the specified number of people for each one. Sorry about that. I’m aiming to select two-three people for each.

Without further ado, let’s get started with the Blogger Recognition Award!

Here are the rules:

Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
Write a post to show your award.
Give a brief story of how your blog started.
Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers.
Select (up to 15) other bloggers for this award.
Comment on each blog to let them know you nominated them and provide a link to the post you created.

I wwas nominated for this award by Bella. Bella is a super-sweet blogger, and I love to read her posts! If you haven’t already checked her blog out, it’s definitely worth your time. 🙂

I started American Girls in Alaska right after I finished my previous blog. I really wanted to have a blog, so I got my mom’s permission and started thinking about what kind of blog I wanted it to be about. I was trying to decide between a pet blog or a doll blog when Loren from Happy House of AG inspired me to start a doll blog! I realized how fun it would be to do one.

My two pieces of advice are  . . .

DON’T let blogging take up all of your time. You can easily get sucked into your WordPress reader and notifications bar, replying to comments and whatnot. Get all of your schoolwork/chores done FIRST.

DON’T let other blogger’s blogging styles make you feel like you should change your own. Don’t compare your pictures, writing styles, etc. to yours. You are a unique blogger – don’t change!

The bloggers I choose to nominate are . . .

The Blog Dolly!

and . . .

Twintastic AG!

Congrats, girls!

My next one is a tag. It’s called the Fall Themed Tag, and I was nominated for it by The Blog Dolly. Thank you so much, Jenna! Jenna has an awesome blog that just got a new customization, so definitely go check it out. 🙂

Here are the rules:


These are the questions Jenna is asking me:

Q: What is your favorite fall drink?

A: Vanilla Chai tea. I drink this year round, but it seems to fit best for fall.

Q: Apple cider or pumpkin spice?

A: Pumpkin spice!

Q: Pumpkin pie or apple pie?

A: Apple apple apple!

Q: Red, orange, and yellow or yellow, white, and orange?

A: Yellow, white, and orange.

Q: Scary costumes or cute costumes?

A: Definitely cute.

Q: Your favorite part about fall is…

A: The chill in the air, promising that snow is just around the corner.

Q: A football game or football shaped cookies?

A: Since football is less interesting than watching paint dry, I’m going with cookies.

Q: Favorite fall outfit?

A: A cozy sweater and my favorite pair of jeans, with some fuzzy socks.

Q: Do you love the colors or the scents of fall?

A: The scents.

Q: Pre-made fall crafts or DIY ones?

A: I’m not super crafty, but I’m going with DIY.

Q: What is your AG dolls favorite fall outfit?

A: The one Emily is wearing here.

Okay, that’s alll for the questions!

I have decided to tag The Blogging Sisters and AG Doll Adventures and Lizzy!

Have fun, you guys! Your questions are . . .

  1. What is your favorite color of leaf – red, orange, yellow, green, or brown?
  2. Have you ever done a fall photoshoot?
  3. What is your favorite doll sweater?
  4. What is your favorite part about Thanksgiving? That is, assuming, you live in the US.
  5. Pumpkin pie, apple pie, or pecan pie?
  6. Did you know that there was no pumpkin pie until the second Thanksgiving?
  7. Do you like Halloween or Thanksgiving better?
  8. What is your favorite Thanksgiving food?
  9. Did you go anywhere for Thankgiving?
  10. Did anyone visit you for Thanksgiving?
  11. Was there snow on the ground where you live for Thanksgiving?

Okay, that’s all for the Fall Themed Tag!

And now, we’re moving onto the New Blogger Tag!

I was nominated for this by AG Doll Dreams. Thank you so, so much! The rules are:

1. Thank the blogger that nominated you and link their blog

2. Answer the questions they gave you

3. Nominate at least 3 new bloggers

4. Ask at least 5 or more questions for them to answer

Her questions are:

1. What do you like most about AG dolls?

Their hair and facial features, as well as their unique personalities.

2. Why did you decide to start a blog?

I have blogged before, and I love connecting with my followers!

3. Do you shop on Etsy?

No, I never have. But I have checked it out before.

4. Do you follow any non-AG blogs?


5. What’s your favorite jungle animal?


6. Indoors or outdoors?

In the summer, outdoors. In the winter, indoors.

7. Do you like being tagged?

Of course!

I am tagging:


Dazzling Dollies

The AG Homeschooler

My questions for you three are . . .

How do you come up with ideas for posts?

What is your favorite type of post?

Who/what inspired you to start blogging?

Is it difficult to manage school, family stuff, chores, and blogging?

Why is blogging important to you?

Have fun, girls!

Now, onto the Blue Sky Tag! I was nominated by The AG Homeschooler – thank you so much! The rules are:

Thank the person who nominated you.
Answer the 11 questions.
Tag 11 new people.
Give them 11 new question to answer.

Q: Do you like Lab Rats? If so, what’s your favorite episode?

A: No, I have never seen it.

Q: What are you wearing right now?

A: My PJ’s.

Q: Would you rather have the power to rewind time or pause time?

A: Rewind! Definitely rewind! I would go back and fix embarrassing mistakes and relive happy moments from my childhood.

Q: What job would you be absolutely terrible at?

A: Politician/President of the United States. I am really not very commanding and I don’t like to hurt people’s feelings.

Q: If you ruled your own country, who would you get to write the national anthem?

A: I would probably write it myself, since I’m a writer.

Q: Would you rather have a unicorn horn or a squirrel tail?

A: Oh, geez. A squirrel’s tail, because I could probably hide it.

Q: What one thing can you not live without? (Besides the necessities)


Q: Would you rather be an adult your whole life or a kid your whole life?

A: Wow, this is a really hard one. I’m going to have to say a kid, because you have less responsibilities.

Q: Would you rather be locked in an amusement park or a library?

A: I think this was pretty much covered in the one thing you cannot live without question. XD 🙂

Q: What’s the grossest food combination you can think of?

A: Froot loops, milk, and ketchup.

Q: If you were challenged to a duel, what weapons would you use?

A: A sword, and probably a long-handled broom.

Okay! Those were really fun to answer! I have decided to tag:



You get the following questions to answer:

What is your favorite thing to drink?

Hors d’oeuvres or a five-course meal?

Have you ever flown first class?

What was the scariest thing you have ever experienced?

Do you blog on a computer, phone, or tablet?

What is your favorite part about your blog? (Comments, design, post types, etc.)

How many followers would you like to have by the end of the year?

What is your favorite type of shoe? (Heel, sneaker, flat, pointe shoes, flip-flops, etc.)

What is your favorite sport?

What is your favorite holiday, and why?

Do you think it’s okay for older teens/adults to like dolls?

Have fun with the questions, everybody!

Lastly, I was nominated by Jenna, The Blog Dolly, for the Versatile Blogger Award! (VBA for short.) Thank you so, so, so much!

The rules are as follows:

Thank the person who gave you this award.
Include a link to their blog.
Select 15 blogs/bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly.
Nominate those 15 bloggers for the VBA.
Finally, tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.

Okay, I cannot nominated fifteen people, so I’m going to do as many as possible, and then anyone else who wants to do it is welcome to.

Madi Grace

Stuffie Adventures





AG Doll Dreams


Okay, everyone! That is it for now. Wow, this post took a long time, and if you read it all the way through, A HUGE CONGRATS! And if any of you are unable to do any of the tags, my feelings will not be hurt. If any of you who weren’t tagged/nominated want to participate, go right ahead. 🙂

I’ll be back on Monday! See you guys soon!

-AGs in Alaska-

Update on The Liebster Award, Version #2

Hi guys. This is an update on this post. This is actually not one of my two weekly posts, but I nominated some people who don’t blog anymore, so I wanted to publish this ASAP so the nominees could work on their posts. The new people I nominate are (the last two were original nominees):

Natalie @ theAGspot

Elli (this may not be her correct name, sorry) @ Stitching With Elli

Jewel @ Doll Notebook

Mya @ AG Lane

Dolly Sisters @ AG Dolly Sisters

Here is the original post:

You may recall this this post back in July. It was when I was nominated for the Liebster Award by the awe-som-e Rebekah from Stuffie Adventures. It was really sweet of her, and now I’m being nominated again by Avaroo2003 from Ava’s Pokemon Blog! Thanks so much, Ava! You probably remember this post, when I did a promotion for her blog. Check it out if you like Pokémon! Ava is amazing! 🙂

Here are the rules for the Liebster Award:

  1. Recognize the blogger that nominated you
  2. Answer all the questions that the blogger asked you on your website
  3. Nominate 5 – 11 other bloggers and tell them that you nominated them
  4. And create 11 new questions for your nominees!

Ava is asking these questions:

  1. Do you like Pokémon? If so, which one is your favorite? (For those with Pokémon blogs, you are excused from the first half of this question)
  2. What do you do in your spare time?
  3. Do you play any instruments?
  4. If you could visit any country with every expense paid, which one would it be?
  5. Why do you blog?
  6. Why did you start blogging?
  7. Will you ever stop blogging?
  8. If you had to eat one food only, for one entire month, what would the food be?
  9. Do you like math?
  10. Do you like art?
  11. Who will you nominate?

Here are my answers:

  1. Yes, I like Pokémon. My favorite is Ninetails.
  2. In my spare time, I read, write, and blog. And watch YouTube, much to my mother’s dismay.
  3. I play the piano (and I love singing, but that doesn’t mean I’m good at it).
  4. France. Francefrancefrancefrancefrance. More specifically, Paris! I already speak French.
  5. I blog because I want to. Just kidding. I blog to share my AG ideas with other doll lovers!
  6. I started blogging for a journalism assignment. This is actually not my first blog, but I finished my last blog and missed blogging so I started a new one.
  7. Probably, when I go to college.
  8. French toast. Although that is a combination of foods . . . in not French toast, then watermelon.
  9. No. I HATE math.
  10. No, not really. It’s a frustrating subject for me as I am not naturally gifted in art and everything I drew looks weird.
  11. I will nominate . . . the people above!


Here are questions I have for them:

  1. Do you like camping?
  2. Have you ever been ziplining?
  3. Are you afraid of dogs?
  4. Pancakes or French toast?
  5. Do you speak a foreign language?
  6. Have you ever visited Alaska?
  7. How many dolls do you have?
  8. What doll would you like to have?
  9. Do you like Gabriella McBride (GOTY 2017)?
  10. What is your favorite book?

That’s all for now! See ya later!

-AGs in Alaska-

The Liebster Award, Version #2

Okay . . .

You may recall this this post back in July. It was when I was nominated for the Liebster Award by the awe-som-e Rebekah from Stuffie Adventures. It was really sweet of her, and now I’m being nominated again by Avaroo2003 from Ava’s Pokemon Blog! Thanks so much, Ava! You probably remember this post, when I did a promotion for her blog. Check it out if you like Pokémon! Ava is amazing! 🙂

Here are the rules for the Liebster Award:

  1. Recognize the blogger that nominated you
  2. Answer all the questions that the blogger asked you on your website
  3. Nominate 5 – 11 other bloggers and tell them that you nominated them
  4. And create 11 new questions for your nominees!

Ava is asking these questions:

  1. Do you like Pokémon? If so, which one is your favorite? (For those with Pokémon blogs, you are excused from the first half of this question)
  2. What do you do in your spare time?
  3. Do you play any instruments?
  4. If you could visit any country with every expense paid, which one would it be?
  5. Why do you blog?
  6. Why did you start blogging?
  7. Will you ever stop blogging?
  8. If you had to eat one food only, for one entire month, what would the food be?
  9. Do you like math?
  10. Do you like art?
  11. Who will you nominate?

Here are my answers:

  1. Yes, I like Pokémon. My favorite is Ninetails.
  2. In my spare time, I read, write, and blog. And watch YouTube, much to my mother’s dismay.
  3. I play the piano (and I love singing, but that doesn’t mean I’m good at it).
  4. France. Francefrancefrancefrancefrance. More specifically, Paris! I already speak French.
  5. I blog because I want to. Just kidding. I blog to share my AG ideas with other doll lovers!
  6. I started blogging for a journalism assignment. This is actually not my first blog, but I finished my last blog and missed blogging so I started a new one.
  7. Probably, when I go to college.
  8. French toast. Although that is a combination of foods . . . in not French toast, then watermelon.
  9. No. I HATE math.
  10. No, not really. It’s a frustrating subject for me as I am not naturally gifted in art and everything I drew looks weird.
  11. I will nominate . . .

These people!

Dolly sisters @

Mya @

June and Ginny @

My @

Sara @

Here are questions I have for them:

  1. Do you like camping?
  2. Have you ever been ziplining?
  3. Are you afraid of dogs?
  4. Pancakes or French toast?
  5. Do you speak a foreign language?
  6. Have you ever visited Alaska?
  7. How many dolls do you have?
  8. What doll would you like to have?
  9. Do you like Gabriella McBride (GOTY 2017)?
  10. What is your favorite book?

That’s all for now! See ya later!

-AGs in Alaska-

The Liebster Award


Hi everyone! Shockingly, I have been nominated for ANOTHER award already! It’s called the Liebster award and it all started with Rebekah from Stuffie Adventures! The AG Homeschooler then nominated me on her blog, AG’s Wondrous World ( A big thanks to both of them! Here are the rules:

  1. Thank the person who nominated you, and post a link to their blog on your blog. Try to include a little promotion for the person who nominated you. They will thank you for it and those who you nominate will also help you out as well.
  2. Display the award on your blog — by including it in your post and/or displaying it using a “widget” or a “gadget”. (Note that the best way to do this is to save the image to your own computer and then upload it to your blog post.)
  3. Provide 10 random facts about yourself. (Optional but highly recommended!)
  4. Nominate 5 – 11 blogs that you feel deserve the award, who have less than 200 followers. (Note that you can always ask the blog owner this since not all blogs display a widget that lets the readers know this information!)
  5. List these rules in your post (You can copy and paste from here or simply put a link to this post on your blog.) Once you have written and published it, you then have to:
  6. Inform the people/blogs that you nominated that they have been nominated for the Liebster award and provide a link for them to your post or mine if you don’t have all the information so that they can learn about it (they might not have ever heard of it)!

The AG Homeschooler posted some questions she wanted us to answer, and here they are:

  1. What’s your favorite show?
  2. What’s your greatest fear?
  3. What’s your favorite animal?
  4. Do you believe Pluto should remain a dwarf planet or be a regular planet again?
  5. Do you believe in God and in his Word, the Bible?
  6. What’s your favorite Bible verse?
  7. Who’s your favorite singer or band?
  8. Do you like the show Jessie?
  9. What do you believe happened to the dinosaurs?

My favorite show is Last Man Standing. My greatest fears are elevators, tsunamis, and large hairy spiders. My favorite animal is the red fox. And Pluto deserves to be back in the rankings as a planet again! I do believe in God and His Word. My favorite Bible verse is 1 Corinthians 13:13. My favorite singer is Brit Nicole. I like Jessie but I’m not allowed to watch it anymore. And as for the dinosaurs, um, #Ihavenoidea. And then one more random fact is I hate almonds.

Rebekah also has questions for me:

Q: If you could ask the president one question, what would it be?

A: Do you ever get scared?

Q: What is your favorite family tradition?

A: Getting Christmas pajamas.

Q: What trait do you like most about yourself?

A: I’m very compassionate and understanding.

Q: What are your talents?

A: Writing, and I’m good with animals and little kids.

Q: If you could shop for free in any store, which one would you choose?

A: AG Place Los Angeles. It’s awesome there.

Q: Would you rather be the best player on a horrible team or the worst player on a great team?

A: Best player on a horrible team!

Q: What is your favorite day of the week?

A: Friday.

Q: What personal trait has gotten you in the most trouble?

A: Uh . . .

Q: What do you put on your toast? 😜

A: Raspberry jam.

Now, I’m going to do what The AG Homeschooler did and the people I nominate are the first five people who comment on this post and say that they want to be nominated. Since my blog requires me to moderate all comments, I will moderate them in the order they are sent to my email inbox. I will then post on my blog saying who the nominees are and then they can go ahead and write about the award on their blog. Congrats in advance, guys!

-AGs in Alaska-

The Beginner Blogger Award


So . . . after only having this blog for about a month, I’ve been nominated for an award by The AG Homeschooler! (When I found this out, I was shocked!) Basically, it works like this:

  • Thank the person who nominated you and leave a link to their blog/blogs.
  • Answer the 5 questions given.
  • Nominate 3 bloggers with 30 or less followers.
  • Ask them 5 questions about their blog.

So here’s my thank you to The AG Homeschooler! Check out her blog here:

The 5 questions for me to answer are:

  1. Why did you decide to start your blog?
  2. How did you come up with your blog’s name?
  3. What’s one thing you’ve learned about blogging so far?
  4. Who was your very first follower?
  5. How long do you think you’ll keep blogging?

I decided to start my blog so I would be able to share my AG ideas with the online community. I was NOT out to become a popular blogger. 🙂 Actually, online privacy is pretty important to me. I came up with my blog’s name because I live in Alaska and Alaska and American Girl start with the same letter, so . . . yeah. A thing I’ve learned about blogging is that when you do photoshoots, your WordPress media space fills up very quickly with your pics. 🙂 🙂 🙂 My very first follower was my best friend. I think I’ll keep blogging for a long, long time! I love dolls!

The three people I nominate are:

Avaroo2003 at

Jana at

Kathryn at

My questions for those three are:

  1. How long have you been blogging?
  2. Is blogging something you’d like to do your whole life?
  3. Who inspires you to blog?
  4. Is blogging on your Top 5 favorite things to do list?
  5. Will you continue your blog as an adult?

Thanks again to AG’s Wondrous World! Oh, and in case you don’t know how this kind of thing works, you answer the questions and complete all the requirements on YOUR blog, not in the comments. (Make sure you complete the questions and the bulleted list, too.)


AGs in Alaska